Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How To Do Retirement Financial Planning

There has always been a need for retirement planning and today is certainly no different. There are 401(k)s and many other types of retirement plans that are available to you. You will need to take the time needed to evaluate what your current financial needs are and what you expect the future to hold.

Recent events, such as the rise in energy costs and the ever-skyrocketing health care costs need to be factored in. Although gas prices have been fluctuating lately, I think they are going to go back up, possibly even surpassing the extremes we saw all too recently. These types of events can take a toll on your retirement plan very quickly. Prudent planning begins early and you need a good source of information. Websites like are an excellent resource to go to find answers to the questions you may have.

Did you know that most retirement plans have a ceiling of 10% of your pre-tax wages that you can contribute? While that may sound good when you view it against a 2% inflation rate, you must keep in mind that your planning today is not just for the ideal future, but the future that will be reality for you if things turn out to not be ideal or according to your plans today.

By starting early and contributing the maximum that you can afford, you will have a better chance of being prepared for the unforeseen. This is made much easier today because your 401k plan is now transferable from one employer to another. This allows you to continue to grow your retirement account even when you choose to change jobs or even careers.

Unsure of what you will need for retirement? There are calculators like the one at my site as shown in my author box below that will help you figure it out for yourself. This is a helpful tool that lets you see if you are on track or not. Dont forget that life expectancy is getting longer. When Social Security was passed in the 1930s people lived about 2 years after retirement. Today you can expect to live 20-30 years past retirement and, suddenly, the amount you need to retire comfortably with a major change in lifestyle gets very large.

Lets say that today you need $40,000 to live on and you retire in 20 years, you will need a minimum of $850,000 to carry you through retirement. That is assuming that you will live an additional 20 years after you retire and are in good health. There is something to be said for debt reduction as being part of your retirement planning, as well, since the last thing you want to do is go into retirement with a ton of debt still hanging over your head.

Having $40,000 a year to live on with little to no debt will obviously go farther than if you still have the same debt load as you do now. If you reduce your debt load by the same amount that you save for retirement, you double your retirement savings.

One cannot have a conversation about retirement without the subject of taxes coming into it. The money you put into your 401(k) is pre-tax so you will pay taxes on it when you get disbursements. The 401(k) is intended for retirement, so there are also very heavy tax penalties if you withdraw any funds before you turn 59.5 years of age. If at all possible, do not make any early withdrawals from your retirement account, since most people have found that in addition to the heavy tax penalties for doing so, the prospect of paying it back, even with good intentions, is tougher than it seems.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer and long-term world traveler who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about Retirement and 401k Planning at his web site at Blog745
Astrix Blog50079

Designing Your Email Newsletter

Last time, I talked about one of the first steps involved in setting up your email newsletter: Getting an Email Newsletter Service. Another commonly-asked question is how to design the newsletter to make it the most effective. This breaks down into several questions and considerations:

Should you send a text only newsletter or design it in HTML? Both options have benefits and issues.

I recommend that most small business use an HTML newsletter because it's much more effective to use graphics to extend your brand. Also graphics are more memorable and can help you to communicate your business's message in a way that's, well, worth the proverbial 1000 words.

Some of the ways to make this already-effective tool even more effective include:

- Use a customized design and not a template. One of the main jobs of a newsletter is to extend your business's brand. If you use a template the design will not be related to your company's brand definition or brand identity. This mismatch will make your business look inconsistent and less professional. Make sure that your customized design includes not only your logo but also elements of your Visual Vocabulary. This will further distinguish your newsletter from your competitions.

If you do have to use a template for a short time while you work the cost of a customized design into your budget, use the simplest template available on your service - even a blank page with your logo on it will work as a temporary measure!

- Use branding as bookends for your newsletter. Designing every square inch of your newsletter is overkill. You don't need to include graphics and illustration through the whole thing to get the benefit of using graphics. Designing each element of the newsletter will also make it more difficult to use your newsletter as a template. If you design in an article space that's a few paragraphs long and then write an article that's bigger than the allowed space you're going to have to spend time customizing your newsletter design to fit in the longer article. Or what if you decide to change the sections in your newsletter around. Or you decide to promote different things or include different types of information and your newsletter design has very specific structured areas. Instead, you can design a header and footer to "bookend" the content of your newsletter. You can then code the rest in plain HTML. This will create a branded newsletter that looks great and is flexible enough for you to use as needed each time you send it out.

- Don't make your newsletter code complicated. Most email programs can only read the simplest of HTML code. So design your newsletter with this in mind and code the newsletter using very basic HTML. This means you should use a table format, regular font tags, bold and italic tags, and image tags. CSS and more complicated kinds of code won't display properly for all of your readers. Use photos and promotional illustrations to add visual interest. An all-text newsletter can look very boring - even if you have a branded header and footer. But you can use image tags to insert images throughout your newsletter to spice things up. Use highlight boxes to call attention to offers and promotions. You can use a colored background on a text box to differentiate important copy from the rest of your text. This can make those calls to action and promotional boxes more noticeable. Once a reader notices them they're more likely to read them and react! Taking these tips into account will help you to create a HTML newsletter that represents your brand well. It will also look memorable and help you to stay in touch with your prospects and clients - and sell your products and services.

Erin Ferree is a brand identity designer who creates big visibility for small businesses. Her ebook, "All The News About Email Newsletters" will tell you everything you need to know about desiging, writing, and sending out an email newsletter to stay in touch with your clients and prospects. Blog9606
Bobine Blog17327

Repayment to Begin on Student Loans; NextStudent offers Options

For many recent college graduates the repayment period on their student loans is about to begin due to the end of the six-month grace period. As many graduates find their student loan payment booklets in their mailboxes, which typically arrive approximately 30 to 60 days before the first due date for payment, it is important for graduates to make their payments on time. Some graduates may be in a position to make the scheduled level repayment, while others will find themselves in a burdensome financial situation.

Phoenix-based NextStudent, the premier education funding company offers free advice and a variety of repayment options for students. Repaying student loans ( is serious business. However, there are various options depending on a graduates situation, most repayments are set to level repayment, unless otherwise noted.

Not every college graduate is settled into life after college, and not every graduate is employed. Some graduates still are searching for a job while others have moved home to save money. Life immediately after college can be a little stressful. There are so many things to get in order along with a new job, such as a place to live and a vehicle to get you where you need to go.

By contacting NextStudent after receipt of their payment booklet, graduates can speak to Education Finance Advisers and receive free guidance about the other available repayment plans. Income-sensitive and extended repayment plans are available by directly contacting the lender. With graduated repayment plans, graduates agree initially to pay lower payments. However, the payment amount increases every two years. This is a good choice for those graduates who feel or know that their salary will increase over time.

Forbearance is an option that graduates can use for any given reason. Graduates can use forbearance for up to three years. However, it is important to note that interest continues to accrue throughout the forbearance period.

There are those graduates who opt to defer their student loan payments. With deferment, student loan payments are postponed for a maximum of three years. While in deferment, interest will not accrue on subsidized loans. Graduates must show economic hardship to be eligible.

There are many available options for student loan repayment. NextStudent knows that when a grace period ends, it not always is the best time for graduates to repay their student loans. The Education Finance Advisers are there to help students and graduates with all the questions they may have regarding repayment and the options available to help make life easier and more manageable including student loan consolidation (

About NextStudent

NextStudent,, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Brynna Blog61396
Amelita Blog81166

5 Good Reasons For Choosing An Audio Book

Did you know that audio books are becoming more and more popular by each day? For example, in 2004, over $124 million worth of audio books were sold in the UK and $120 million in Germany during 2005. Experts say that this year the market is expected to rise by 20% in Europe, and audio books seem to be even more popular in the USA.

But why are audio versions a convenient way to "read" a book?

1) You save time, because you can listen to an audio book anywhere and everywhere, and you can even do other things at the same time. You can listen when driving to and from work, when walking the dog, cycling, working around the house or at the computer, exercising, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

According to a recent survey, in the USA a person is driving an average of 1 hour and 13 minutes daily, which means over 440 hours a year for each driver, or 11 full-time work weeks. This is huge! Imagine how many things you could learn during this time by simply having your MP3 player with audio books at hand.

2) If you love reading but don't have a enough time, audio books can give you the opportunity to read many more books that you would otherwise have time for. Audio books are a great way to fill the "dead" moments we all have in our lives.

3) Audio books are good for older, ill or recovering people and can be a wonderful gift for someone in a nursing institution. This is a gift they can remember and enjoy time after time.

4) Audio books can be a blessing for blind people, disabled people or people with impaired vision. Everyone should have the chance to experience and enjoy a book and in many cases, this is the only way for such persons to do it.

Spoken books can help these people improving their education, help them developing new hobbies and habits and greatly enriching their life, both personally and professionally.

5) The most important skill a child can ever acquire is probably the ability to read, and audio books can be easily used to stimulate literacy in children. Books can be listened to by children while following the story in the paper book. Or they could listen just to gain and improve vocabulary and communication skills. If you want to instill in your child the love of reading, audio books can be a excellent start.

There are many more benefits of using audio books, but even these few reasons should be enough to convince you to enter the exciting world of the spoken books.

Janet Rusky is an upcoming author who runs one of the best audio book stores on the internet where 7000 titles divided in hundreds of categories are available for immediate download.Ajay Blog83091
Celina Blog98354

Do Stock Plans Contain Everything I Need To Build In The State of "INSERT HERE"...

One question that we receive almost every day is whether or not the plan package for plan 1234 contains everything that a person would need to build the home in the state of "INSERT STATE / LOCATION HERE"... As such, we wanted to provide some additional information to clarify the subject.

In most areas of the country, these stock house plans will be everything you need to build, but not necessarily everything you need to obtain a building permit.

In addition to the house plans you order, you may also need a site plan that shows where the house is going to be located on the property. You might also need beams sized to accommodate roof loads specific to your region. Your home builder can usually help you with this. You may also need a septic design unless your lot is served by a sanitary sewer system. Many areas now have area-specific energy codes that also have to be followed. This normally involves filling out a simple form providing documentation that your house plans are in compliance.

To find out what documents you should expect with your house plans, see the FAQ at

In some regions, there is a second step you will need to take to insure your house plans are in compliance with local codes. Some areas of North America have very strict engineering requirements. Examples of this would be earthquake-prone areas of California and the Pacific Coast, hurricane risk areas of the Florida, Gulf & Carolina Coasts. New York, New Jersey, Nevada, and parts of Illinois require review by a local professional as well. If you are building in these areas, it is most likely you will need to hire a state licensed structural engineer to analyze the design and provide additional drawings and calculations required by your building department. If you arent sure, building departments typically have a handout they will give you listing all of the items they require to submit for and obtain a building permit.

Additionally, stock plans do not have a professional stamp attached. If your building department requires one, they will only accept a stamp from a professional licensed in the state where you plan to build. In this case, you will need to take your house plans to a local engineer or architect for review and stamping. In addition, plans which are used to construct homes in Nevada are required to be drawn by a licensed Nevada architect.

It is always a good idea to check with your local city, municipality, and state building authorities to ensure that your home construction will meet all applicable building codes

Hopefully, the above information will provide you with a good basis for evaluatiing your particular house plan situation.

Kevin Carden is a publisher of several stock house plan websites and informational resources, the most famous being House Plan Central has a large collection of home plans and unique house plans in different architectural styles, from the nation's top house designers.Bridget Blog46269
Barbe Blog40598

How To Identify Your Natural State Of Beauty By Taking Dosha Survey

If you're one of the 99% who doesn't meet the latest trend, you may become frustrated with your body. You may want it to be thinner, or for that matter, more robust. You want it to look younger, or more mature. You may want blonde hair instead of brown. You may want to more plump skin instead of stretched. We live in a world that wants to keep us chasing after something we don't have. Once we get it, another carrot is dangled before us that we're told we must pursue in order to feel fulfilled.

Just look at the series of beauty enhancers and restrictive routines offered to "help" you meet impossible standards. Many women invest thousands of dollars and endless hours chasing after someone else's idea of beauty. Others can't be bothered and end up neglecting their face, skin and hair entirely. The more beauty you manifest, the more confidence, contentment and love you feel. Likewise, the more confidence, contentment and love you feel, the more beauty you will manifest. It's a wonderful spiral to be caught in.

I understand this truth now, but it wasn't always so simple for me to grasp.

I grew up in the 60's and 70's when the hippies were glorifying just "being natural" and not doing anything to make yourself appear more beautiful. In my 20s, 30s and 40s I felt pretty without doing anything. I was a little disdainful of beauty techniques.

It was only when I began to understand the esteemed place that beauty care held in Ayurveda the ancient science of well-being from India that I began to realize the deeper value of daily practices for my hair, face and skin.

As You Were Born and Grew You Started to Stray From Nature's Plan For you: Unless you live in perfect conditions your body and mind will not manifest exactly how they were intended to at birth. As life is dynamic, they'll remain constantly in sway to help you adjust and survive. Your current state of being is what Ayurveda calls your vrikruti . This includes your current state of beauty.

If you were born with a tendency towards dryness, and you live in a warm, tropical region, you should have little trouble keeping your dry skin in check. Likewise if your have moist skin and you live in a dessert climate. Your vikruti (your current state) and your prakruti (your intended state) differ little.

Here's Where The Trouble Starts: Imbalances in your face, hair and skin (as well as the rest of your body and mind) occur when your Prakruti (ideal state) and Your Vrikruti (current state) vary too much.

If you have a tendency towards dry skin, and you live in the dessert, you'll need to take extra measures to keep from becoming excessively dry and unattractive. Vice versa, if your skin leans towards being overly moist and you live in the tropics.

So no matter how hard you try, if you were born with a certain prakruit, for example predominately kapha, you will never be able to achieve a super-thin look. It's just not going to happen. I'm not saying you need to surrender to being overweight. Not at all. But you have to take more action to control your weight, just like a predominately vata person needs to put forth effort to stop losing too much weight.

That's really what my approach to Ayurvedic beauty is all about... I t's a process of discovering what makes you uniquely beautiful and working to bring that out more fully. It's about falling in love with who you are, and your beauty potentials, instead of straining to achieve someone else's.

2007 © Copyright Dr.Helen Thomas D.C. B.A. All rights reserved in all countriesAllison Blog27184
Austina Blog99691

Entering College For Free Through Scholarship

The cost of college education is constantly increasing every year. Presently, a student has to pay for about $20,000 on an average school. The problem is, at this amount many American households find it difficult to maintain at least a member of their family to finish a degree or at least stay in school for the following year. This problem can be solved, however, through college scholarships.

There are different college and university scholarships available for different types of student. With a little knowledge on their nature, you may find one where you can fit in; and hopefully finishing college for free.

So what are your college scholarship options?

Academic scholarship

Academic scholarship is given to students who receive the highest mark in the graduation class, endorse by the school to apply for an academic scholarship or meet the necessary grade point average set by the school. If you do not fall in any of the conditions mentioned, ask your high school academic guidance counselor for details on the different ways on how to avail for academic scholarships. Usually some colleges and universities accept applicants with an average high school GPA but pass the entrance test(s).

Athletic scholarship

Colleges and universities offer free education for students with exceptional gift in sports. Recipients of the athletic scholarship are often selected among the graduating high school students. However, there are some schools that open the possibility for students to apply for athletic scholarship after they have enrolled in college.

Corporate scholarship

Many companies stretch their services by granting students with free college education. The good thing about corporate scholarship is that upon receiving the degree, the grantees are assured to land on a job (on the same company that gave them the scholarship).

Institutional scholarship

Many private individuals, institutions, and groups give free college education to those who cannot pay for college tuition. Some of them answer the need of a particular race, age, gender, and locale among others.

Union scholarship

Most union scholarship grants are given to the children of its members. If one of your parents is a member of a certain union, you can inquire about the possibility of applying for a college scholarship.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations and church groups allocate a fund for scholarship grants to their members who cannot afford the cost of college education. You can inquire about this in your church.

Local government grants

One of the best sources of free college education is your local government. Here, you can get as much as 100% scholarship grant depending on their set conditions. Availing a local government scholarship can also give you a big chance to land on a job immediately.

Know all these and you will surely go to college for free.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog7371
Amanda Blog6249

Two In One In Microwave Oven

One of mom's greatest assets in her kitchen is the oven. It takes in different features and usage. The conventional oven was primarily used in baking, heating and drying. Today, the microwave became a vogue to chefs and in the households, makes cooking and heating a lot faster and easier, with highest degree of convenience.

If you look few years back, you can't imagine yourself roaming around the house, especially in the kitchen without the modern-day appliances. It is unthinkable; we went thru the discomforts without those before.

Present conveniences in the homes are favorable to housewives and domestic assistants, be they working moms, or non-working. Kitchen appliances reduce work pressure and tension. Operations either in touch, push button, and mere switching denote big leap in the development and growth in the industrial environment.

Reviewing from a series of most advanced novelty techniques from among different manufacturers in home appliances, you'll never find one owner of a certain brand who had not gone thru great expense, energy, time and effort just to achieve top quality products that would enhance overall acceptance.

The microwave oven with a lot of trials from the beginning came up with one that outstands beyond expectations. The creation of the microwave propped up without intent. Incidental in its start, it had soared its way to global popularity because of a series of iterative regressions, discarding previous trials in production stages; bridging towards the latest usage-input, durability, and design.

Ensuing of Combination Microwave Oven into the Market

Combination microwave post-opted the convection oven. By dauntless efforts to regress the older models that were inferior in design, materials' durability, functions, easy operational know-how, and advanced capabilities, efforts were never futile.

Improved cooking features as heating, broiling, roasting, microwave grills exceed points of considerations. Inventories to search on how several models to devaluate or render obsolete reached no point of drawbacks. The result is a revolutionary front of a new model with the combination of microwave and the convection ovens complimented with everything that draw acceptance on general patronage.

Basic features include (1) cavity, (2) cooking, and (3) Programming features.

One brand name NEFF (United Kingdom), note exhibit sample of combination microwave oven:

1. Cooking Functions - Microware, Hot air, Hot air grill, Full surface/center surface grill, 41 automatic cooking programs.

2. Features - 24-hour lead clock, Clear text display, Drop down door, Push button and Rotary Controls, Stainless Steel interior, Interior light, microwave stirrer, 5-Power level microwave (90-180-360-600-1000), InnoWave Technology for more even cooking, Rapid heat facility, Child safety lock, self-cleaning back liner, and cooling system.

3. Standard Accessories - 1 flat wire shelf, 1 full width enamel tray

4. Available in Black, White & Stainless Steel

There are countless combination microwave but specifications of the above-named type present a general view of all. Somehow, differences will vary according to adaptability in usage of certain place and culture.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Microwave-Ovens & other information, please visit http://microwave-oven.articlekeep.comCatharina Blog44589
Adria Blog81934

Update That Room!

Hows your decorating budget? Not that good? Not to worry, there are plenty of ways to update any room in your house without breaking the budget.

The first thing to do is try just rearranging the furniture. Its a simple change that might amaze you with its effectiveness. Try taking some of the furniture away from the walls perhaps. You dont have to limit yourself to the basic lines of the walls. Setting the room up at an angle to the walls can sometimes make the room look bigger.

Paint is very affordable, and anther way to freshen up a room. Are your walls still a basic off-white? Try a little color. Many of the medium to lighter shades of brown will go with just about any decor. Alternatively, if you want a brighter color, try painting just one wall for a focus point. Place some nice art on that wall or perhaps family photos, and maybe some of your furniture, and you have something that really stands out.

Hows the carpet? Getting old but you cant afford a replacement? Maybe youre just bored with it but its still in good condition? Bring in an area rug. You can find one that complements what is already in the room. These are most often placed to emphasize the conversation area.

How do your sofa and chairs look? If theyre a little plain, a throw pillow can help. Pillows are also a nice way to bring in a new, complementary color to the room.

What about the lighting? Is the room too dark? How do the lamps themselves look?

Bring a little life to the room with real or silk plants. A little nature in the room almost never hurts.

Rearrange the pictures on the wall and maybe update with new ones. Whether you like to show off family photos or love art, moving things around on the walls can make a real difference. While youre at it, consider adding a good mirror if the room doesnt have one already. Mirrors can help make the room look bigger and brighter.

Finally, although perhaps this should be first, declutter the room. Clutter can make even the best decorated room look bad. Find more appropriate places for all the stuff and decide what you want to keep, then get rid of the rest.

Stephanie Foster runs and always wishes for more of a budget to decorate her home. She offers more home decorating tips at Blog71763
Bess Blog91982

How To Use Public Domain Works For Profit

If you are new to marketing online, there are a lot of things you will know in the long run.

But if you are already an experienced specialist, for sure, you are aware that increasing traffic to your website is not an easy job.

You are almost certain that you already know that the search engines are the best and only free way to get additional targeted visitors coming to your website.

This simply means your website needs to have quite a few pages of related content.

The more unique your content is, the more improved your site will be because the principal search engine in the world, which is Google, is the source of the biggest percentage of all search engine traffic and uniqueness is one of the standards they use when taking into account how high your site will rank.

Getting a few articles from some of the ezine article directories will not be as effective as it used to be because you are only copying the content that is likely available from perhaps hundreds of other websites on the Internet.

These content affluent pages are obtainable for everyone to use for a number of reasons, including sellable expansion which is evidently outlined under the Public Domain policies of the United States copyright laws.

Although Public Domains can be useful tools in earning profits, you will need to follow some policies and rules.

The first policy states that you can legally reproduce any part of books, films, art works, and manuscripts in the early years before 1923. Meaning you can copy each and every word in the books which comes from public domain.

Find a public domain book which is relevant and similar to the market that you are targeting.

A lot of experts in the Internet marketing field have used public domains wisely for their websites. After doing so, they have noticed their sales have gone higher and they are getting high traffic from their sites. This is the reason why most web site companies have adopted the strategy to their own sites.

There is software available that you can use that will enable you to make corrections of the pages displayed on your website. You wont really need to check it from the top to the bottom. This shortens your job in checking and proofreading.

You will find out how to come up with hundreds of more article thoughts and ideas every day of the week.

These article thoughts are so influential that they oblige people to read through them and make you free money in the process. That is why a piece of writing is so prevailing. Not only do you get free and high traffic, but you can probably earn thousands of dollars in sales from the development of articles and public domains.

The Quick Page Generator will provide you with the absolutely fastest way to writing a winning article. Whether you believe it or not, there are only two main factors that will determine whether your piece of writing is so good that no other publisher can turn it down or make your piece get thrown in the pile along with the rest. The Quick Page Generator will show you how.

It will also illustrate to you how to write your articles faster than your opposition every time. By the time you finish reading the ebook, you will be trained on how to write influential articles in no less than 45 minutes and that includes the distribution to online publishers.

You will find out how to discover thousands of publishers who have been dying for your radiant articles every day. Publishers are accurately searching for writers and good quality content to launch to their subscribers and good readers.

You will become skilled at how to make the best use of your free traffic. There is really no use in having thousands of people coming to your web site unless you know how to obtain the most from them.

Use the Quick Page Generator and see the wonders. You will never really have to worry about getting your site banned in the search engines either.

For more information on how to produce high quality content for your website, visit

Ian Simpson is the owner of providing powerful software and resources for active internet marketing.Amata Blog98244
Aubrette Blog78131

Does It Really Matter Whom I Buy My Security System From?

Well, could it really make a difference?

Here are a few things to think about:

* Are they properly licensed as a low voltage company in your state & fully insured with liability & Workman's comp? (Have them send a fax copy of proof of insurance)

* Will all workers (Including subcontractors) that may enter my home or business be covered by this insurance?

* Are there any complaints registered with the Better Business Bureau regarding their work?

* What professional organizations do they belong to?

* Do they only give away FREE systemsor can you buy the system outright & have whomever you choose monitor it?

* Most security system companies don't make the majority of their profit from selling security systems; instead it comes from the monitoring contract. That is why they are so willing to give them away for "FREE". (I am not saying there is anything wrong with choosing a "FREE" system. In fact, depending on your circumstances, sometimes it just makes sense. However I just wanted you to be aware of this.) Always ask if they offer the option to buy the system outright and monitor it without a contract.

* Did you know that monitoring contracts can be so profitable that there are business plans written that are entirely based on simply buying and selling monitoring contracts?

* So the question is: You may know who is monitoring your home security system today...but who will be monitoring it tomorrow?

* There is a big difference between an authorized alarm dealer ....and just another marketing company. Marketing companies know just the right words on how to make an unbelievable offer on a home security system simply irresistible. But remember this, their goal is often to "quick flip" or sell your contract at a profit. So what kind of customer service do you think you will get down the road when you have a problem, or worse yet a break in?

* So always ask up front...are you an authorized alarm dealer?

* And , will you be selling my alarm monitoring contract in the future?

* Who will be warranting my home security system?

* How long is the warrantee? (A new security system should be warranted for a minimum of 12 months)

* If there is a problem after the warrantee expires...whom do I call & how much will it cost to have a technician evaluate my problem?

* When I call in for customer service issues...will I get to talk to a live person...or just a machine?

* Can my new equipment be monitored by anybody...or is it "Proprietary equipment" (In other words, will the equipment ONLY work with their monitoring services only?)

* Will my home be monitored by a "local" monitoring company...or a "National " one?

If they even hesitate for a may want to keep on looking for the right home security system consultant to work with.

F. Cheshire is an Atlanta, Georgia Home Security Systems Consultant. Anjanette Blog32851
Cacilie Blog70070

How to Profit from the 400+ Billion Dollar a Year Telecommunication Industry?

Did you know that... the opportunity to make you rich thru mobile phone service(Sprint,Nextel,T-Mobile,Cingular,Alltel, Suncom),local phone,business phone and unlimited long distance services,Voice Over Internet Protocol(VOIP),Satellite TV (Dish Network & Direct TV),online shopping and healthcare benefits savings card is here.

I really don't understand why 95% of people choose to miss out on a great opportunity just because there was something they needed help with or just didn't understand.

Well guess what? Today is your day for change.Why do I say that? Because I am about to provide you with the information and knowledge you need to make a sound and good decision based on wisdom and not fear.

Today you shall break the chains of poverty off of your life forever and enter into a place of prosperity.Are you ready a life changing decision now? Well open your heart as you read this article today.

5LINX provides an opportunity for ordinary people like you to earn extra-ordinary income!

5LINX can teach you how to profit from the 400+ billion dollar a year telecommunication industry. If you're looking for part-time income or a full-time income potential, 5LINX can offer you that opportunity today. 5LINX is helping people all over the US change their quality of life.

The 5LINX mission is to provide a unique marketing opportunity that allows individuals to attain the quality of life they have always strived for. Qualities like: more time for family, no limits on your ability to earn, and the freedom to create success on your own schedule.

5LINX is a premier network marketing company offering consumers a wide range of products and services. This company is at the forefront of the latest technologies in the telecommunications and wireless industries. In addition to the fantastic products 5LINX offers their Independent Representatives continual training by some of the most recognized experts in the industry!

5LINX was built upon five fundamental principles:

1. Vision - A vision of the opportunity in communications

2. Integrity - All of our associates can hold their heads high with the knowledge that they are providing the best products and services available.

3. Opportunity - The opportunity to grow without limits

4. Freedom - The freedom to make your own success on your own schedule.

5. Success - As defined by YOU (more quality time with your family, unlimited financial opportunity, helping others achieve success, etc.)

5LINX is truly a one-stop shop for all your telecommunication products and services plus more! From Local Phone & Unlimited Long Distance and Mobile Phones & Accessories to Satellite TV and the 5LINX Shopping Mall etc.

5LINX has something for everyone!

As a 5LINX Representative, you have the privilege to sell anyone of our fantastic products and services listed below.

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Sprint, Nextel, T-Mobile, Cingular, Alltel, Suncom

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President and CEO Craig Jerabeck welcomes you to 5LINX and thank you for taking the time to evaluate a tremendous business opportunity. 5LINX has created a business model for everyone with an interest in being a business owner in the most exciting sector of the US and global economy, telecommunications. The 5LINX Opportunity positions our independent business owners to take advantage of the rapid growth in wireless communications, deregulation of local telephones services, long distance and the internet.

The 5LINX team has built a system that enables you to market products and services from world leaders in communications such as: Z-Tel, Nextel Communications, Sprint PCS, Motorola and more. With national delivery capabilities and 5LINX supplied customer support for your customers, you can create your own communications business as a part of our team.

I invite you to explore The 5LINX Opportunity and see for yourself how you can be a part of the fastest growing sectors of our economy. We are positioned for growth and are looking for motivated individuals who want to create their own financial independence. Whether you are looking for a supplemental income to take a family vacation or purchase a new car or you are looking to change your lifestyle completely, The 5LINX Opportunity will enable you to reach your goals.

What do you like about what you read? If it is positive and you are ready to get started sign up right now as a representative and customer.Quick start training will be provided immediately after you sign up.

Now put this into practice and you will receive a $1,250 promotion bonus!

(c)Copyright 2006 by DeMarcus R. Davenport

DeMarcus R. Davenport is an Executive Trainer with 5LINX. To learn more about this unique opportunity, visit his website at Blog16175
Alissa Blog11583

Advanced Uses For Myspace

MySpace members can generate a website quickly through templates. These templates enable users to create a generic website in very little time. For those who are just interested in making new friends or keeping in touch with old friends, this may be all the member needs. However, those who want to offer more on their website or those who simply want to create a more detailed website may require some more advanced knowledge to achieve the desired effects.

Adding Background Music in MySpace

The majority of websites on the Internet do not have background music. This may lead many novice MySpace members to believe adding music to the background is a difficult process but it really isnt. In fact MySpace makes it incredibly simple for members to add music to their profiles. The steps to add music to a MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace account
* While logged in visit this web address:
* Listen to the music available and select a suitable song for your profile
* Click on the link that says Add below the song title
* The music is then automatically added to your profile

It is important to note that users can only add one song at a time to their profile. Clicking the Add link on a second song will result in the original song being replaced on the profile by the new song. Songs can be removed from a profile at any time by going to the Edit profile section of your account and entering the Profile songs subcategory. Here you have the option to remove your chosen song.

Adding Videos to MySpace

Adding videos to MySpace is also not as difficult as it seems. Even those with no HTML skills can add videos produced by other members or even their own videos to their MySpace profile. The steps to add a video to your MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace Account
* From your MySpace homepage, click on the Add/Change Videos link
* You are then taken to another webpage where you can either search through a database of previously uploaded videos or upload your own video
* To search the database, click on the search videos button and browse through the available videos
* After watching a video you can add the video to your profile in a couple of ways. First you can click on the Add to my profile button or you can copy the source code provided and paste this code into the desired location on your profile.

Alternately you can add your own videos to your MySpace profile by first uploading them to MySpace and then adding them to your profile. When uploading a video care should be taken to ensure the video does not violate the terms of service.

Creating Interactive Features on MySpace

Creating interactive features on MySpace is a bit more involved. Members can create features which allow visitor interaction but these features require more extensive HTML knowledge. The best way to acquire the information necessary to design these types of features is to research the subject of HTML code in books or on the Internet. However, if you find a feature on another MySpace website you would like to include in your own profile you can contact the member and ask them how to add this feature.

David Riewe is the webmaster of and Blog20836
Alexi Blog64607

4 Hot Tips for Replacing a Garage Door

What Kind of Garage Door should I buy?

When looking for a garage door, you notice that there are two major designs: tilt-up doors and sectional roll-up doors. Sectional roll-up doors are more expensive than tilt-up doors, but the extra cost is well worth it.

Tilt-up doors consist of a single panel of material. To open the door, you have to pull it out and pivot it up to slide it along the roof of your garage. Sectional roll-up doors, on the other hand, are made of a number of horizontal sections. Each section is hinged to the next section, allowing the door a certain degree of flexibility. Because the door is mounted on rollers, to open a sectional roll-up door you just have to lift the door and it will roll into place along the roof of your garage.

Sectional roll-up doors are superior to tilt-up doors. From a purely practical point they take up less room. Because you dont have to pull the door out, there will be more room in front of your garage door for things like your car. The door will also take up less room in the garage, since it can be placed higher up than a tilt-up door.

What should my Garage Door be made of?

Garage doors, both tilt-ups and sectional roll-ups, are primarily made from wood or steel. Of these two materials, wood is the cheaper and arguably more attraction option. If you decided to get a wooden door please keep in mind that just like your deck, a wooden garage door will be more easily damaged by the weather than a steel door. If you live in a particularly hot or cold climate, you may find your self with a warped or damaged garage door.

Steel garage doors are more expensive, but you will not face the same problems that you would encounter with a wood door. If you decide to get a steel door the main thing to check is that it has been properly prepared to prevent rust.

Garage doors are also occasionally made with aluminium or fibreglass. While both of these materials are less expensive than steel doors, you should be careful when using them. Neither material is as strong as steel so they will not hold up to the usual wear and tear of a garage door. And once again depending on your climate, they will not be as energy efficient as a steel door if that is a concern to you.

How do I look after my Garage Door?

Just like any other exterior surface on your house, your garage door will need periodic maintenance to keep it working smoothly and looking as good as the rest of your house. Youd be surprised how the look of your garage door not only affects the overall look of your house, but the perceived value of your house too.

No matter what material your garage door is made of, it should be washed regularly. If you have a wood door, you should repaint the door every other year to ensure that the wood stays protected. If you have a steel door, you can give it a yearly shine with car wax

To prolong the life of the mechanical parts, you should lubricate all moving parts with motor oil whenever the door starts to feel sluggish.

Safety Concerns with Garage Doors

Every year, children are seriously injured from accidents involving garage doors. To avoid these preventable accidents, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that you should only use automatic garage door openers if they have an automatic reverse function. This will reverse the closing of the garage door if an obstacle is encountered.

Steve Dolan is a homeowner and DIY enthusiast. Go to for articles and resources for all your garage door needs. Alaine Blog7726
Alissa Blog93267

Hello From Orlando: A Walk Through Winter Park - A Hint Of New England In Florida

Just a few minutes north of downtown Orlando awaits Winter Park, a charming picturesque suburb steeped in history. After my excursion on the Scenic Boat Tour, my local expert Wanda Salerno took me on a little walk through town past beautiful historic neighbourhoods.

With is origins as a citrus growing region, Winter Park became a major destination for wealthy northerners during the early 1900s, who came into town by train to reach their elegant winter retreats, seeking shelter from the cold winters of the north. Elegant mansions and and stately old oak trees draped with Spanish moss bear witness to this historic era.

Wanda then took me through some of Winter Park's hidden courtyards, which are filled with specialty retail stores and galleries. Winter Park features a large variety of galleries and I had a chance to sample three of them, all of which carried vastly different artwork:

- Scott Laurent Collections
- Native Visions Gallery
- Timothy's

Our walk took us out on to Winter Park's main street, Park Avenue, which houses 10 blocks of specialty retailers, galleries and ecclectic restaurants. Park Avenue is flanked on its west side by Central Park which offers a welcome sanctuary of relaxation with its graceful fountain, walking paths and shaded benches.

We then went on to explore Casa Feliz ("Happy House" in Spanish), the signature residential work of renowned architect James Gamble Rogers II.

In 1932 Robert Bruce Barbour, a chemical engineer from Massachusetts, commissioned Rogers to design a home on Lake Osceola, which turned out to be the Andalusian-style masonry farmhouse that we see today. This home was not only cherished by Barbour, but by the community as well. Throughout its history, it has hosted garden club tours, symphony orchestra concerts, poetry social meetings and a dinner for author Sinclair Lewis.

In 2001, in order to prevent the house from demolition, Casa Feliz was moved across Interlachen Avenue to its present location on Park Avenue. This move was one of the most dramatic events in Winter Park's history. Casa Feliz was transported on 20 pneumatically levelled dollies, and an elaborate pulley system moved the house about 75 feet per hour. After the house was in position at its new location, skilled craftsmen worked on restoring it to its original 1933 condition. A special landscape design was commissioned to reflect the style of the era.

Today, Casa Feliz is available to rent for weddings, parties, business meetings and events. Its unique features provide the perfect backdrop for a truly memorable event.

As a centre of local culture, Winter Park also features three well-known museums:

- the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American art, which holds the world's most comprehensive collection of works by Louis Comfort Tiffany, including Tiffanys 1893 Chapel. The museum also features paintings, furniture and other works primarily from the late 19th and 20th centuries.

- the Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Garden: 3 acres of gardens, featuring sculptures and painters by Albin Polasek. The museum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

- the Cornell Fine Arts Museum, which focuses on western world art of the 20th century and includes paintings, drawings, sculptures and other art from America and Europe. This museum is located at Rollins College, one of the top rated liberal arts colleges in the country.

The Winter Park Historical Museum examines various historic time periods, interchanging exhibits and rotating displays highlight some of the changes that have occurred in central Florida.

While I explored the town my husband actually played a round of golf at the 9-hole Winter Park Country Club, which is nestled beautifully inside Winter Park's historic neighbourhood. The WPCC is the second oldest golf club in the Central Florida area and makes its way through the downtown Winter Park area and provides a challenge to even the most experienced golfer. He enjoyed his outing, and a cost of $12, it was an extremely affordable outing on a well-maintained golf course.

We capped off our excursion with an enjoyable dinner at a restaurant called 310 Park Avenue, right on Winter Park's main strip. While a good portion of the Orlando area is very new, Winter Park is a welcome oasis of history and ambience that is perfect for a day of exploring.

For more information on Winter Park contact the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce,

This entire article including photos is located at

Susanne Pacher is the publisher of, a web portal for unconventional travel & cross-cultural connections. Check out our brand new FREE ebooks about travel.Carine Blog54868
Annette Blog5741

Cosmetic Dentist NYC will cure all your smiling blues

Cosmetic are things that are used for enhancing beauty of a person. All of us know that looks play a crucial part in the success of an individual in any field. Your smile is a crucial element in your overall looks and if you happen to have any defect in your smile you will make sue of all the means possible to correct the condition. Dentists are professionals who have the professional training to help out people who may be facing any problem with their teeth and dental health. If you are a resident of NYC, then you are really lucky. There are many cosmetic dentists there and a cosmetic dentist NYC can surely help you in correcting any kind of dental problem.

The work of a cosmetic dentist is entirely different from a restorative dentist. While restorative dentist is involved with correcting serious dental defects like missing teeth, filling up gaps in teeth and such things, cosmetic dentist is more involved with working out things that help a person in getting that perfect smile. It is very important that you keep your dental appointment every six months. So whether it is your cosmetic dentist or restorative dentist make sure that you visit them regularly for check up. The will tell you immediately if anything is wrong with your dental heath or not. Timely treatment will save you from lots of troubles and your condition and also this can be correctly quickly.

Cosmetic dentist can take care of many dental problems and teeth whitening is one such thing. Stained yellow has become a condition that is very much on the rise these days. However all of us know that having stained yellow teeth is a major blotch in your otherwise good looks. This is one dental condition which makes it difficult for an individual to lead his social life properly. The social life of person is crucial is vital and people these days are willing to undergo many things if this means that they will be able to lead a very good social life.

Teeth can become stained in yellow color due to many reasons. The primary reason for having stained yellow teeth is due to unhealthy dietary habits. Consumption of some food stuffs like tea, coffee, cola and red wine in excess quantity is one of the major reasons for having teeth that is stained. Dentists do not advice anyone to totally stop taking these food stuffs, but they will certainly be advised to reduce their intake and make it to the minimum level. Adopting a healthy lifestyle will certainly help in reducing your dental conditions and any other condition which you may be experiencing. Basically this will help you in having a good health which in turn can help you in being hugely successful.

Cosmetic dentists can no doubt help you in achieving the perfect smile, but you must take care of your dental health in your own way. After all you do not want to be suffering from any condition, just because you neglect certain basic things like taking healthy diet and implementing healthy dental habits.

Brad Taylor has special interest in health related topics.He has been working for Rubinsteindmd since the last 2 Years.For more information about Restorative dentistry,cosmetic dentistry NYC and Best teeth whitening visit Blog91317
Alexine Blog48269

Take the help of a SAT Tutor NYC

Show me a student who says that he or she is not frightened of appearing in exams and I can show you a lair! Exams have this quality of making students feel frightened and they literally dread this. It is something which has been happening for a long time. However the truth is that one needs to face and clear the exams no matter how frightened they are of the whole thing. One such exam that students need to undertake is the SAT exam. SAT exams are mandatory exams students need to undertake to have a successful academic career; these exams need to be taken right after one has passed out from high school. Scores attained in the SAT exam determines if you are eligible for admission to a reputed college in the United States or not. Now if you are one of those people who are looking to be successful academically by having an excellent academic record, you must make sure that you clear the SAT exams with high marks.

In NYC there are several tutorial agencies that guide students in taking the exams successfully without any hassles. SAT tutor NYC is in fact the best person to guide you not only taking the exams but successfully clearing it too. If you get a helping hand many things become easy and especially if someone is there to guide you throughout the whole process of preparing for the SAT exams, you are sure to be successful. Depending on their preference students can seek the help of an online SAT tutor NYC or a real SAT tutor NYC. Students must make sure that if they want to score really good marks in the exams, they must start preparing for the exams pretty early. Leaving everything for the last moment solves no purpose, so both student and their parents must make sure that they have all the things in place well in advance.

Now SAT exams have a certain procedure and if you want to be successful you must be well versed with the entire thing. So it is vital to know about the whole process of the exams and know it really well, so that when they face the real exams they do not feel that this is something they are doing for the first time. Lots of mock tests are conducted by the SAT tutor NYC beforehand to fully prepare the students to take the exams with ease. Students have different capabilities and the task of a SAT tutor is to find out those capabilities and help him or her use that for cracking the exams successfully.

SAT tutor NYC supplies study materials to students, which are prepared keeping in mind the requirement of the students. Taking private tuitions for a SAT tutor is in fact the best way through which a student can successfully crack the SAT exams. Clearing the SAT exams with a high score if the only means through which you can fulfill your dream of studying in the best colleges and Universities in America.

Hugh Goldsmith is of the view that students must not dread the SAT exams or for that matter any other exams.He helps out students who want advice on any aspects related to exams. For more information on SAT tutor NYC,visit http://www.prestigeprep.comAnnabela Blog61802
Asia Blog59255

Winsor Pilates An Incredible Alternative To Standard Exercise

The Winsor Pilates workout program having made a great effort in expanding the nature and functions of Winsor Pilates workout not only created simple tools such as the Winsor Pilates equipments but also opened another trend to fitness industry.

It is considerable that the Winsor Pilates has attested significantly prosperous in spreading the great news about the Winsor Pilates program and through the fanatics are greatly pulled to the extent. Winsor Pilates being a new set of exercise grant both the beginners and experienced Winsor Pilates exercisers some of the pleasurable visual direction in the Winsor Pilates.

Winsor Pilates is created by Mari Winsor and is noted for its challenging and fast-paced Maximum Burn to let your Winsor Pilates mat exercise to a higher level. Winsor Pilates is known by many as the Maximun Burn and is intended for both men and women who have undergone the Basic mat exercise by Winsor Pilates itself. To better serve the participants, the Winsor Pilates contain the titles Maximum Burn Workout, Maximum Burn Advanced, Endless Fitness for Beginners Workout, Endless Fitness: Strength and Body Slimming, and Back Workout.

In particular, with Winsor Pilates, the participants are said to attain maximum calorie burn in just 20 minutes. With Winsor Pilates you will get leaner and longer muscles and even get stronger.

Most of the people who undergo and experienced the feeling after taking the Winsor Pilates workouts recommend that Winsor Pilates workout movements create a great result if done in front of a full-length mirror. This method will surely help you hold your abs in place without wobbling and tottering, and this method will help you control your movements. Challenging isnt it?

Furthermore, Winsor Pilates is originally intended for women and men who are just starting exercising for the first time. Winsor Pilates is also intended for both women and men who have returned to exercising after a longer period of break and have a substantial weight loss goal or a bit older. With Winsor Pilates, you will surely feel good and acquire energy for the much vital things in your life. Anybody who will use this workout will definitely get the best shape and live life to the fullest at any age or fitness level.

The back Workout of Winsor Pilates is also for men and women who desired to build a stronger and more flexible back. It is important to consider that this part of the Winsor Pilates is mainly focused on the back.

For a novice of Pilates, it usually takes about six weeks of twice-weekly sessions for the subtleties of the movements to become second nature. But, once you have thoroughly learned the Pilates techniques by working on the machines, you may be able to attain the same results working on the mats.

Jason Story found a work life balance once he found Pilates and uses Winsor Pilates review regime day after day. Visit his sites at: Blog99806
Arleyne Blog17891

Leaving On A Jet Plane? Business Etiquette To Go

Business travel is often a necessity whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or own a small home based business. Only so much business can be conducted by telephone, e-mail, computer and fax. There will come a day when you need to travel for business and how you conduct yourself will make all the difference in determining your success in getting that new client or sealing the deal.

Always remember that you are representing your company during your entire journey, starting and ending with your trip to and from the airport. Be considerate to airline personnel, hotel porters, restaurant employees and anyone else you meet on your trip. You never know when someone you meet may be related to the CEO of your client company or when someone you treat badly makes a formal complaint to your employer. Stay on your best behavior when you are traveling and you will build relationships that can impact the bottom line. As a bonus you will enjoy your trip a lot more when you treat others with courtesy and kindness.

After your travel reservations are made do some research. Start by studying the customs and culture of your destination if you are visiting a foreign country or by reading an online newspaper from the US city where you will be staying. Use the internet to select a restaurant for wining and dining your client, and make reservations ahead of time. Refresh your memory on the basics of introductions, table manners and gift giving before you leave home.

If you are traveling with someone else, ask that you be seated next to your business associates on the airplane. Sitting together will ensure you keep your conversations confidential and other passengers will appreciate not having to listen to you talk across an aisle or over the seat. Avoid alcohol on the airplane and during your entire trip. Traveling is not an excuse to indulge in alcoholic beverages and your boss will not appreciate being billed for your overindulgence or hearing about your wild antics on the plane.

Prior to traveling familiarize yourself with the gift giving etiquette of the company you are visiting. Be aware that many corporations and government offices have strict rules about accepting gifts. Call the company receptionist or the secretary of the person you will meet with on your trip to inquire about the company guidelines and ask for suggestions if a gift is appropriate.

Use technology sparingly in order to show respect for those around you. Make use of earphones with your laptop or hand held gadgets. Turn your cell phone off while flying and when attending a meeting. If you do have to take a call, let others know ahead of time and leave the meeting when the call comes in.

Be punctual for all of your meetings and dress professionally. Leave your casual clothes for evenings and weekends when you won't be spending time with your client. Plan on keeping yourself occupied on off hours and do not expect your client to entertain you. If you are invited to a casual meal or other activity on off hours, feel free to accept but pay attention to your attire. Even if your host suggests that you dress casually, keep in mind that you are still doing business and make sure you keep the "business" in "business casual."

Refrain from discussing inappropriate issues while traveling such as religion, politics and your latest surgery. Respond respectfully when asked your opinion on sticky subjects then move on quickly to another topic. If anyone, including a client, begins to bash Americans, do not take offense. Tell them you understand how they might feel that way and change the subject. Client meetings are no place to advance your personal causes or opinions.

When you return to your office, send a handwritten thank you note immediately. Let your client know how much you appreciate their hospitality and how much you enjoyed your trip. A handwritten note is much more personal than a hastily sent e-mail.

Paying careful attention to your business etiquette while traveling may help you achieve that promotion you have wanted, seal that deal you have been working on for months or enhance the otherwise lukewarm client relationship. You may not have control over your travel schedule, where your luggage ends up or the clients you need to meet, but you do have total control of your own behavior and your personal attitude By minding your business manners your trip will be pleasant, productive and profitable.

(c) 2007, Lydia Ramsey. All rights reserved. Reprint rights granted so long as article and by-line are published intact and with all links made live.

Lydia Ramsey is a business etiquette expert, professional speaker, corporate trainer and author. Learn from Lydia by using her four LIVE business etiquette broadcasts on DVD or by reading her newest book "Lydia Ramsey's Little Book of Table Manners". You can purchase these business etiquette tools at Blog73894
Bernardine Blog69586

Student Loans A Simple Guide

There are various resources to find money for a college education. Student scholarships, student loans, and grants are available to get a college education. After going through the merits and demerits, the best option may be chosen.

Student loans are different from a student scholarship since they have to be repaid. Student loan schemes are available in two different types. One is a subsidized loan and another is an unsubsidized loan. The interest for the subsidized loan is taken care of by the Federal Government in USA and in other countries the finance ministry provides some sort of assistance, whereas the unsubsidized loans carry a normal percentage of interest. Eligibility for a subsidized loan can be found out by filling in the relevant details online

The students and the parents can become tense at the time of planning how the expenses of a college education will be met.

To finance a college education, a programme called FFELP (Federal family education loan programme) provides the most flexible and affordable student loan options. Using the loan finder web service a student can find all the required information for applying for a federal loan online. Find more info at

Additional finances not covered by the federal programme such as education related expenses, overseas study, and housing can be procured through a private student educational loan. When compared to credit cards, these programmes carry a marginally lower interest rate and have very easy payback terms.

Many of the student loan agencies - both government and private - have online submission and processing facilities hence the loans are accepted after a review within a week or sooner. The repayment of the Federal student loan can start six months after the graduation of the applicant.

Student loans can be used not only to pay the fees but also for lab fees, dues for associations and housing. A student can still avail an educational loan even though the tuition is covered by a grant.

A student who is eighteen years or above in age, can apply for a student loan. Most of the student loan is deferred for repayment until the student completes the education or leaves the school.

Private loans for students are not given without a co-signer or a credit report. Credit unions give student loans if a vehicle or a boat is provided as collateral.

During the cumulative credit period, a student has the option of paying or not paying the interest part of the loan. It will become easier if periodical payment is made to cover the interest. If this is done, the capital repayment after completing the studies becomes easier for a student.

Student loans are to be repaid in ten years. Nevertheless, longer repayment facilities are provided to large student educational loans.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles at For more info visit or Blog91039
Calida Blog24619

Buying a New Home, Paying For College and Starting a New Business Has Never Been So Easy!

A Government Grant is an aid program specially designed for helping those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve, due to lack of finance, certain goals the government is interested to promote.

Government Grants Explained

Though there are many different government grants for a lot of purposes, as noted in the first paragraph, most of them concentrate on three goals: Helping people start their new business, helping people pay their way through school or college and helping people buy their first home.

Grants are provided by government agencies all over the country and at all levels of administration: There are Federal Government Grants, State Government Grants and Local Government Grants.

Each agency has its own requirements and though qualification is not as difficult as it may seem, the truth is that you need to be informed in order to successfully apply for a Government Grant without fear of being declined.

Grants amounts range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. As the loan amount gets higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for. So you ought to know the requirements beforehand and apply as early as possible. It is known that most Government Grants are granted on a first arrived, first served basis, so timing is a very important issue not to be bypassed.

The smartest thing to do is, by analyzing grants requirements, to select the Government Grant you are best qualified for and concentrate on applying to it. There are certain grants restricted to citizens of certain states or towns. Others are restricted for those working on certain fields or for those coming from certain economic conditions.

Government Grants Purposes

The main help grants provide is focus on aiding those who want to buy a new house or rent. Real State agents are fully aware of these programs and should be questioned about them when their services are hired. Most applicants qualify for this kind of aid though they usually ignore it, so dont hesitate to ask your realtor about the government grant programs and ask them for help. Your real estate agent is more than capable of helping you fill all the paperwork so you can effectively apply for Government Grant.

Another use of Government Grants is paying for college. College fees have increased over the years and it has become increasingly difficult to afford college education, especially for those whose income has remained untouched. There are mainly federal grants and loans for those starting college and some, but not many, specific estate grants available too.

When it comes to starting a new business, government grants are of a great help for those who are working in a field the government is especially interested to develop. Government grants are mainly destined in this case to acquire machinery, supplies, pay for salaries for a certain period of time, etc. Generally speaking business government grants provide the finance needed for a business to get started and become independent. There are also grants for helping undertake international business transactions.

Do Your Research

Should you decide to apply for a Government Grant, there is a lot of information on the internet. Take your time to do a thorough research, take note of those grants you think you qualify for and contact the agencies to get further information and all the documentation you need to fill. If time is an issue there are some sites that provide access to all this information without having to search all over the net. They usually charge a small fee though, but worth every cent since youll be saving time and money.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Home Loans you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Cairistiona Blog64261
Alie Blog17127

Why Your Teen Needs You - Even If He Acts Otherwise

A few weeks ago a Mom touched on a very interesting subject - our teens are growing up and leave us wondering if we are doing enough for them. "My older son (16) is hardly home between school and his job," she said. "And my younger son, 13, is always on the computer. I feel I should be doing something for them - I feel so useless."

Teenagers are not clinging onto our shirttails as they did when they were little.

They used to be around us, needing things all day long. Now everything revolves around school and friends, and we are pushed to the sidelines.

No wonder parents feel that their teen does not need them anymore. Teens are learning how to become self-sufficient, responsible adults. It is natural that teens start to pull away from parents and family and begin to build their own circle of friends and activities.

Even with parents stepping into the background, our teen could not possible become self-sufficient and confident without our emotional support. Teens are conquering new territory; they are trying to make decisions about their daily lives, without having any experience or knowledge of how to.

Sure, they have their friends - but their friends don't have experience either. Some teens are masking their insecurity better than others. Although not sure about anything, they portray some level of assurance and conviction, so their peers don't make fun of them.

Parents can misunderstand this false self-confidence as their teen not needing them anymore. Don't let their attitude fool you - they need you now just as much as when they were learning how to walk, but their need for physical assistance has been replaced with the need for emotional assistance.

Teens need their parents' stability, advice, and support. To be able to give your teen the support he needs, to have your teen tell you when he's in trouble, and to have him come to you with questions, you need to keep an emotionally close relationship with your teen. This does not mean that you have to spend a lot of time together, but that you have to trust and respect each other.

To be able to build this mutual trust and respect, stay active in your teen's life. Take your daughter shopping, discuss styles and fashion, and look at fashion magazines together. Plan a beauty treatment, go to a spa, massage, or get your nails done.

Take your son to places that fascinate boys - Motocross, Stock-car racing, paint-ball, even the local fun center. Allow him to take a couple of friends along, and he'll boast: "Guess what! My dad is taking us to."

Your teenager might not want to do the same things he enjoyed as a child, but that does not mean he does not want to spend any time with you at all. It might be challenging to find time to fit your teen into your day, but it is necessary in order to stay an active part in your teens life.

Finding new ways of staying active in your teens life will strengthen your bond and give you the opportunity to listen and to learn about your teens opinions. You also will have the chance to reinforce moral standards while creating memories that may last a lifetime.

This article is available for reprint with author's resource box intact and all links live and clickable. Author reserves copyright.

Christina Botto, author of "Help Me With My Teenager!" has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years. Her website offers a variety of tools and resources to help parents of teenagers.Caroline Blog32561
Cathyleen Blog20052

Buying a New Home, Paying For College and Starting a New Business Has Never Been So Easy!

A Government Grant is an aid program specially designed for helping those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve, due to lack of finance, certain goals the government is interested to promote.

Government Grants Explained

Though there are many different government grants for a lot of purposes, as noted in the first paragraph, most of them concentrate on three goals: Helping people start their new business, helping people pay their way through school or college and helping people buy their first home.

Grants are provided by government agencies all over the country and at all levels of administration: There are Federal Government Grants, State Government Grants and Local Government Grants.

Each agency has its own requirements and though qualification is not as difficult as it may seem, the truth is that you need to be informed in order to successfully apply for a Government Grant without fear of being declined.

Grants amounts range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. As the loan amount gets higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for. So you ought to know the requirements beforehand and apply as early as possible. It is known that most Government Grants are granted on a first arrived, first served basis, so timing is a very important issue not to be bypassed.

The smartest thing to do is, by analyzing grants requirements, to select the Government Grant you are best qualified for and concentrate on applying to it. There are certain grants restricted to citizens of certain states or towns. Others are restricted for those working on certain fields or for those coming from certain economic conditions.

Government Grants Purposes

The main help grants provide is focus on aiding those who want to buy a new house or rent. Real State agents are fully aware of these programs and should be questioned about them when their services are hired. Most applicants qualify for this kind of aid though they usually ignore it, so dont hesitate to ask your realtor about the government grant programs and ask them for help. Your real estate agent is more than capable of helping you fill all the paperwork so you can effectively apply for Government Grant.

Another use of Government Grants is paying for college. College fees have increased over the years and it has become increasingly difficult to afford college education, especially for those whose income has remained untouched. There are mainly federal grants and loans for those starting college and some, but not many, specific estate grants available too.

When it comes to starting a new business, government grants are of a great help for those who are working in a field the government is especially interested to develop. Government grants are mainly destined in this case to acquire machinery, supplies, pay for salaries for a certain period of time, etc. Generally speaking business government grants provide the finance needed for a business to get started and become independent. There are also grants for helping undertake international business transactions.

Do Your Research

Should you decide to apply for a Government Grant, there is a lot of information on the internet. Take your time to do a thorough research, take note of those grants you think you qualify for and contact the agencies to get further information and all the documentation you need to fill. If time is an issue there are some sites that provide access to all this information without having to search all over the net. They usually charge a small fee though, but worth every cent since youll be saving time and money.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Home Loans you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Carolan Blog93399
Allis Blog47004

Business Continuity Planning

Many years ago, I worked for a small insurance company. Just like many other businesses, we shut down operations for the Christmas holiday. As it happens, this one eventful year Christmas fell on a Monday. The company also gave their employees the preceding Friday off, thereby granting a fourday holiday.

The weather that Christmas season was bitterly cold, as it often is in that part of Virginia. The maintenance staff turned off the heat in our 7-story building to save on costs. Unfortunately, they neglected to turn off the water. I received a call Sunday afternoon informing me there was a serious problem. Apparently, a major water pipe had ruptured on the 7th floor.

When I arrived at the building there were literally large sheets of ice emanating from all the windows onto the sides of the building. Upon entering, I could see just how disastrous this pipe rupture, unattended for two days, was going to be. The ceiling tiles on every floor had given way and fallen into the work areas. All the desks, file cabinets, computer equipment and so on were covered in debris, ice and water.

We had no choice but to turn the heat back on in order to melt the ice. As the ice melted it just further compounded the water problem. Most floors in the building had between 8-16 inches of standing water. The water damage to file folders and documents, electronic equipment, furniture and everything else in the building was devastating.

It took many months to fully recover from what we later referred to simply as the incident. Many important insurance documents were permanently lost. Much of the computer equipment and other electronics were unrecoverable.

Amazingly, the company had made no plans for such a disaster. There was no way to quickly move data processing requirements to an offsite location. There was no offsite storage for the microfilm records used to back up the paper documents. Most of the microfilm, stored in metal canisters, survived. The majority of microfilm readers didnt since electronics and water just dont mix.

The company survived, but just by a thread. We could not process premium payments for many weeks, and people who were expecting insurance payments did not receive them in a timely manner. There were a number of lawsuits. It was, to put it bluntly, a total mess.

Business Continuity is one of those topics that just doesnt receive the level of discussion it requires. Too many people completely ignore it altogether. That can be a fatal mistake as it relates to your business.

Business Continuity is all about planning for the unforeseen events that can occur. Many people also call it disaster planning. No one likes to think about such eventualities, but as the saying goes, stuff happens.

Developing a business continuity plan involves making a thorough review of your overall business structure and identifying potential weak links in that structure. Some of these weak links are internal to your business, while some are external. A good business continuity plan will examine all of the what if scenarios that could adversely affect your business, and then identify possible contingencies.

Every aspect of your business needs to be considered: ownership, product or raw material sources, sales mechanisms (web site, storefront, et cetera), distribution chains, customer support, accounting and financial reporting, and so on.

These what if possibilities will be different for every business. It would be impossible for me to account for every possible manifestation in this article. Instead, I will discuss some of the more commonly overlooked things that can happen. It will be up to you to extrapolate from that discussion in order to identify potential fatal links within your own business structure, and develop appropriate contingency plans. I can only ask the questions.


Is your business dependent on a single key person? Such a person could be the owner, product developer, web site manager and so on. In such a case, that person represents a single point of failure. What happens to your business if something happens to that person? For instance, if your product derives from the efforts of one person, do you have a way to mitigate the effect of that person no longer being available?

Do you keep all your accounting and financial records in a one place? Do you have backup records in an offsite location? What would happen to your business if there were a fire, flood, earthquake, or other circumstance that destroyed those records? Do you have a plan in place to recover from such an event? It amazes me the number of people who dont back up their computer or paper records. If the hard drive on your computer failed, could you continue your operations?

Do you keep your inventory of products in a single place? What would happen if you experienced a fire or flood? Would you have a way to quickly replenish your stock? Would you be able to continue to fulfill orders in a timely fashion? If the answer is no, you have yet another single point of failure.

In the Mobile, Alabama area where my wife and I live, we are at the mercy of hurricanes each year. In the case of Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Katrina, we lost our power and phone service for nearly a week. If something like that happened to you, do your customers have a secondary way to contact you, or you to contact them? Do you provide your customers with a cell phone number where they can reach you? Is there some local facility (e.g., library, Internet caf) where you could go to check your email?


If you purchase your product or raw materials from a wholesaler, is that company your only source? What happens to your business if that company has a fire, flood, or folds its tent? Do you have a secondary source you can quickly switch to? With the company I ran many years ago, I primarily used three distributors as the source for most of my products. But I also had arrangements with several others I could utilize if necessary. These companies had my TaxID, reseller, and other information already on file. If I had to make a switch, that switch would have been seamless from the perspective of my customers.

Are you dependent on a single carrier for your product delivery? What happens to your ability to deliver your product if members of that carrier go on strike? It happens. Just as with your suppliers, do you have a contingency plan for moving to a backup carrier if needed?

What about the company that hosts your web site? This is a very crucial consideration if your primary sales vehicle is via online means. What happens to your business if that hosting company has a fire or flood? Do they have a contingency plan in place to move operations to an offsite location? If they dont, do you have a way to quickly move to another hosting service? Do you have backups of your own web site (including your shopping cart/order database) that you could move?


As I said, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Much depends on your particular business operations. But you do need to consider the possibilities, and their potential adverse impact. Consider all the possibilities.

My recommendation would be to develop a document to define your plans and courses of action for business continuity. It doesnt have to be complicated; three columns is all you need:

1) Potential disaster scenario,

2) Potential impact on your business (you can use a 1-5 rating system for this 1 being low impact, 5 being catastrophic)

3) Contingency Plan

Obviously, the higher the impact rating, the more important it is to define a contingency plan. But dont just ignore it. Your business can survive many disaster situations, but only if you plan ahead.

Ray Herold has a 30+ career in the Computer Information Technology (IT) field. He has been a Systems Analyst, DB and Network Administrator, Website Development Manager, IT Architect and Director of IT. He has owned several successful online businesses. He is also the author of several books related to technology and business.Celeste Blog2114
Calypso Blog234

How Car Dealers' Treat Women

The first time I went on a big car lot to buy a car, was with my girlfriend at the time. The salesperson met us outside our car as if he was going to valet it. I asked him if I could park there, and he responded jokingly only if I wanted to buy a car. He immediately asked what kind of car I was looking for. My response was, the car is for her, she is making the decision. I mistakenly thought that was direct and sufficient enough, but apparently I was wrong.

The next few questions were directed at me, as if he hadnt heard my response to the first question. To which I answered the car is for her, she is making the decision, about six times I think. I thought maybe he was hard of hearing, but after hanging out for a few minutes with him, I found that wasnt the case. She finally settled on a car in the price range she was looking for and he ran to get the keys, which of course he handed to me. I got in to drive, the salesman sat in the passenger seat and my girlfriend sat in the back. He was asking me about the power, the torque, and the handling.

About a mile down the road, I pulled over to let her drive. The salesman nearly had a heart attack when I got out. I told you a number of times that the car was for her, I am letting the decision maker drive, so she can make her decision I told him. I was expecting the same question about the power and torque directed to her, but they never came, just questions about the fabric interior and the color of the car. It was as if he took a sales course about generalizing what each gender wants in a car. When we got back to the car lot, we followed him inside to work out the numbers and financing. Then the games started. We were young, but not stupid. He was writing numbers all over the place on a sheet of paper that he folded in fours. He wanted to know a payment I was comfortable with. I just pointed at my girlfriend. She answered $200, to which he responded $200 up to what. 201 I remember her saying, I knew there was a reason I liked her.

For the next 20 minutes, we were being manipulated into thinking that the car we drove may not be there tomorrow, and her payment of $223/mo. with what I thought was a sizable down payment, would get her the car tonight. Unlike most car buyers, she was not an emotional buyer. She decided the monthly payment was too much higher than her budget, and said no thank you. We got up to leave and the look on his face was as if we just punched him in the stomach. He had one last ditched effort to keep us as clients. When that was rebuked, he blocked the door and said, When you come back to buy this car, ask for me, because I dont do this for fun, I do this to feed my family. I hope his family knows how to garden. The whole experience made us want to go home and shower and not deal with people like that anymore.

If you ask any woman who has gone on a lot herself, you will be amazed at the comments they get. This one took the cake: Did your husband give you his wallet to shop for a car tonight? The reason I am now a used car salesman, is because there is nobody else stepping up and treating people like they should be treated when buying a car. There are way to many games and manipulations going on and people are buying cars for way too much with financing that is burying them, because some unscrupulous car dealer tricked them into it.

Tom Carey is the owner of A Pennsylvania used car dealership in Norristown that specializes in giving the public access to exclusive dealer-only car auctions, saving them thousands per car.Bertie Blog10408
Anestassia Blog12568

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